
Hotels in 巴黎


Our hotels in 巴黎

a group of tall buildings with lights
a room with a bed and a red chair
a lobby with a reception desk and a table
a restaurant with tables and chairs
  • 全天候开放的健身房
  • 会议室
  • 宴会
a street with cars and buildings
a hotel room with a bed and a couch
a bar with shelves and chairs
a room with a piano and vases of flowers
  • 会议室
  • 活动
  • 家庭房
a table with a book and vases of flowers
a room with red chairs and a tv
a large building with many windows
a table with vases of flowers and chairs in a room with a television
  • 会议室
  • 家庭房
  • 商务中心
a white building with orange chairs and tables
a room with a bed and a coffee table
a buffet table with food on it
a lobby with a reception desk and chairs
  • 私人会议室
  • 附近停车
  • 24 小时接待
a room with a bed and a tv
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a room with a table and chairs
a room with chairs and tables
  • 健身房
  • 会议室
  • 宴会
a bed with a painting above it
a room with a couch and tables
a room with a red couch and chairs
a white building with plants on the side
  • 代客泊车
  • 点餐制餐厅
  • 露台
a bathroom with a large window and a large tower
a balcony with a table and chairs and a railing with a city in the background
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a red car parked in front of a building
  • 全天候开放的健身房
  • 体验项目
  • 私人会议室
a statue of a gargoyle on a city skyline
a large white building with a dome and a steeple and people walking on the grass with Sacré-Cœur, Paris in the background
Moulin Rouge with a windmill on top and people standing in front of it
a large building with columns and statues with Palais Garnier in the background
a large building with a glass pyramid

Discover our brands

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential