

El agua brotando de sus preciosos paisajes es el elemento más característico de esta bonita ciudad por la que discurre el río Amarillo. Cuenta con infinidad de manantiales en los que la flor de loto es la protagonista.

Nuestros hoteles en Jinan

a large building with a fountain in front of it
a building with a sign on the front
a lobby with chandeliers and a piano
a lobby with a chandelier and chairs
a large hall with glass doors and a chevron floor
  • Gimnasio 24h
  • Salas de reuniones
  • Banquetes
a gold pagoda with a tall tower in front of a glass building
a city skyline with trees and water
a building with lights on it and a bridge over water
a group of colorful cupcakes

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  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential