
Hotel a Brasilia

Costruita a metà del 20° secolo in mezzo al nulla nell’altopiano centrale del Brasile, oggi è una delle capitale più futuristiche del mondo. Una destinazione preferita da ingegneri e architetti.

I nostri hotel in/a Brasilia

a tall building with a tall tower
a lobby with a black counter and chairs
a living room with white furniture and a wood floor
a room with tables and chairs
a large gym with exercise equipment
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
  • Sala riunioni privata
a group of buildings in a city
a group of buildings with cars parked in front of them
a group of tall buildings with trees and cars in the background
a room with a couch and coffee tables
a room with a couch and chairs
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
  • Sala riunioni privata
a group of buildings in a city
a group of buildings with a pool in the middle
a tall building with many windows
a city with many tall buildings
a city with many buildings and roads
  • Palestra
  • Sale riunioni
  • Eventi
a building with a pond and plants in front of it
a white building with a cross on top
a building with a large dome and a large building with a body of water
a statue of a man with a long tail and a tall tower
a building with a large white dome and a white bowl on the side
a building with a large dome and a large building with a large body of water
a building with a large white dome and a large white bowl

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential