
Hotel a Manchester

Manchester ha giocato un ruolo chiave nella rivoluzione industriale, ma ci sono molte altre cose da vedere oltre alle magnifiche vecchie fabbriche trasformate in musei. La biblioteca universitaria neogotica sembra uscita da un libro di Harry Potter.

I nostri hotel in/a Manchester

a city street with a red building and a bridge
a building with a glass wall and a tree in front of it
a building with glass walls and a metal structure
a building with a statue of a horse
a bridge over a street
  • Palestra 24 ore
  • Eventi
  • Sale riunioni creative
a bridge over water with buildings and a bridge in the background
a city with tall buildings and roads
a large stadium filled with people
a building with a fountain in front of it

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential