
Hoteles en Liverpool

Profundiza en la historia de los legendarios Beatles recorriendo la ciudad que los vio nacer y revolucionar el panorama musical de una época. En la ciudad portuaria podrás conocer los lugares que inspiraron a John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr.

Nuestros hoteles en Liverpool

a group of buildings with glass walls
a tall building with many windows
a pink cart with flowers on it
a room with a bed and a desk
a restaurant with tables and chairs
  • Gimnasio 24h
  • Eventos
  • Salas de reuniones creativas
a body of water with boats and buildings in the background
a row of buildings with flowers on the side
a sign on the front of a building
boats in a harbor with buildings and a dock
a football stadium with people in the stands

Descubre nuestras marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential