Туристические направления

Отели в Монтего-Бей

In a prime location in the Caribbean, in the northeast of Jamaica, this beautiful bay is a perfect destination if you’re looking for total relaxation. Some people even say that Doctor’s Cave Beach has healing properties!

Наши отели в Монтего-Бей

a room with a table and chairs
a pool with lounge chairs and a gazebo
a room with a computer and a couch
a house with a white roof and a white railing
a room with a bed and a table and chairs
  • Оздоровительный центр
  • Спа-программы
  • Спортзал
a beach with tents and people on it
a raft on a river

Познакомьтесь с нашими брендами

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential