Yogyakarta, Indonesia

INNSiDE Yogyakarta

a building with lights on
a pool with plants on it and a mountain in the background
a bar with stools in front of a counter

Hotel peristirahatan dan relaksasi yang menghadap ke Gunung Merapi

Perpaduan keajaiban destinasi sekelas Yogyakarta dan desain hotel yang modern dan baru menciptakan ruang dengan kekhasan yang memikat. Berlokasi di Sleman, distrik paling populer dan elegan di timur Yogyakarta, dan pilihan populer bagi wisatawan bisnis dan rekreasi. Tempat yang elok untuk beristirahat, bersenang-senang, atau mulai menjelajahi kekayaan kota candi di Asia ini.


Traveller's ratings



a room with two beds and a desk and a window

The INNSiDE Room

  • Pemandangan kota
  • Ranjang double atau dua ranjang single
  • 301 ft²
Nikmati kamar yang dengan cerdas memadukan kebutuhan wisatawan bisnis dan petualangan menjelajahi kota. Beristirahatlah di ranjang ukuran double sambil menonton TV atau menyelesaikan pekerjaan di meja Anda. Bersantailah di kamar mandi dengan rainshower atau buatlah secangkir teh yang nikmat.
a bedroom with a large window and a chair

The INNSiDE Room - Merapi View

  • Pemandangan gunung
  • Ranjang double atau dua ranjang single
  • 279 ft²
Bersantailah sambil menikmati pemandangan Gunung Merapi yang menakjubkan. Dengan jendela besar, kamar Anda bisa mendapat cahaya alami yang berlimpah. Ruang penuh gaya yang nyaman dengan ranjang berukuran king, TV, dan meja. Bersantailah dan segarkan diri di rainshower yang fantastis.
a room with two beds and a tv

The INNSiDE Room - Terrace

  • Pemandangan kota
  • Ranjang double atau dua ranjang single
  • 376 ft²
Bersantailah! Ini adalah tempat perlindungan Anda selama Anda di Yogyakarta. Ruang dengan teras menakjubkan yang bisa membuat Anda lupa waktu saat mengagumi pemandangan kota. Kamar nyaman yang penuh fasilitas, ranjang ukuran king, TV, dan rainshower.
a room with a couch and a glass table

The Loft

  • Pemandangan kota
  • Ranjang King-size
  • 495 ft²
Temukan ruang paling nyaman lengkap dengan fasilitas terbaik. Awali masa tinggal Anda di kota sang sultan ini dengan bersantai di area yang paling Anda gemari. Ruang seluas 46m² dengan kamar tidur dan lounge yang indah dengan sofa chaise di samping jendela.
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a room with a couch and a coffee table

The Townhouse

  • Pemandangan kota
  • Ranjang King-size
  • 516 ft²
Temukan kenyamanan sejati di kamar dengan ranjang berukuran king dan lounge terpisah yang apik, lengkap dengan sofa, kursi, dan meja. Sempurna untuk melakukan eksplorasi, jalan-jalan, atau bersantai. Nikmati pengalaman relaksasi di bathtub dan rainshower.
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a glass wall with a bar and a person behind it
a bedroom with a large window and a large bed
a room with white beds and a brown chair
a table with wine glasses and a view of a mountain
See gallery

Services and facilities

Discover the wide range of services and facilities that ensure a most pleasant and comfortable stay at our hotel.

Area rooftop
Kolam renang luar ruangan
Kolam Renang Rooftop
Aktivitas untuk anak-anak
Ruangan keluarga
Pusat Olahraga
Antar jemput bandara hotel
Jasa shuttle

Kafe Syndeo

a restaurant with a chef cooking

Syndeo Lobby Lounge & Cake Shop

a bar with stools in front of a counter

Bar Rooftop Sky Deck

a table with wine glasses and a view of a mountain
1 / 3
a glass wall with a bar and a person behind it
Average rating
7137 reviews

Bambang Indrawan



Located at North Ring Road ( Ring Road Utara ) , easy access to the cities as well as going to peripheral areas ( Merapi Mt, Gunung Kidul areas etc) ..

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

margaretha nurrunisa



Kamarnya ok, bersih dan nyaman. belum nyobain layanan dan sarapan karena baru datang ke hotel n baru malam pertama menginap. agak susah klo mau nyari jajanan di sekitar krn ga ada yang jualan di pinggir jalan.

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Anak Ayam



worth it with this view

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Chuannuel 710



Good hotel service, clean rooms And Nice hotel view

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Yuniar Srqa



fasilitas dan pelayanan nya sangat baik, ramah, dan informatif. pengalaman menginap benar-benar terasa menyenangkan dan terbantu. lokasi cukup strategis walau terhitung masih agak cukup jauh dengan pusat kota.

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.
1 / 5

Bambang Indrawan



Located at North Ring Road ( Ring Road Utara ) , easy access to the cities as well as going to peripheral areas ( Merapi Mt, Gunung Kidul areas etc) ..

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

margaretha nurrunisa



Kamarnya ok, bersih dan nyaman. belum nyobain layanan dan sarapan karena baru datang ke hotel n baru malam pertama menginap. agak susah klo mau nyari jajanan di sekitar krn ga ada yang jualan di pinggir jalan.

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Anak Ayam



worth it with this view

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Chuannuel 710



Good hotel service, clean rooms And Nice hotel view

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.

Yuniar Srqa



fasilitas dan pelayanan nya sangat baik, ramah, dan informatif. pengalaman menginap benar-benar terasa menyenangkan dan terbantu. lokasi cukup strategis walau terhitung masih agak cukup jauh dengan pusat kota.

This section shows customer opinions collected by Google Reviews.


a pool with a deck chair and a mountain in the background

Kolam Renang Rooftop

a room with exercise equipment

Gym InFit

a large white room with a large white wall and a large white counter

Ada lagi yang bisa kami bantu?

a pool with plants on it and a mountain in the background

Jelajahi lingkungan sekitar yang indah dengan sepeda

a street with a person on a motorcycle

Kunjungi Yogyakarta


a room with a table and chairs
  • 5

    Event rooms
  • 490

  • 6608


Bersiaplah untuk acara yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam! Berlokasi strategis di antara Bandara Adisutjipto dan pusat kota, INNSiDE Yogyakarta menyuguhkan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk acara yang paling mengesankan. 4 ruang rapat yang dapat menampung hingga 300 orang dan sebuah ruang kreatif lengkap yang disebut New York (Big Ideas Space).


What is the official category of the accommodation?

It is a 4-star hotel.


What are the time limits for check-in and check-out?

Check-in can be made from 14:00 on the arrival day. Check-out must be made before 12:00 on the departure day.


What are the contact details?

You can contact this accommodation by calling +62 274 2806 888 or by sending an e-mail to Info.innsideyogya@melia.com.


What is the address of the accommodation?

It is located at Jl. Padjajaran Ring Road Utara, Maguwoharjo, Sleman – Yogyakarta 55282, Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 55282 Indonesia.


Will I have Free Wi-Fi?

Yes, guests staying at the hotel have free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.


What services does the accommodation offer?

Among the services offered are: 24-hour gym, Ruang pertemuan kreatif, Kolam renang luar ruangan, Antar jemput bandara, Atas Atap, Ruang game, Resepsionis 24-jam, Tidak merokok, Layanan dalam kamar, Restoran, Wi-Fi Berkecepatan Tinggi.


Are there any exclusive services?

No, but you can choose superior rooms that provide more amenities and services.


How many restaurants and bars are there?

The accommodation has a wide range of dining options which you can try in any of its 3 restaurants and bars.


What are the benefits of being a MeliáRewards member?

MeliáRewards is our loyalty programme, and offers members a range of exclusive benefits and special offers. Belonging means you get more: more value, because you get points, surprises and discounts; more possibilities, because you can earn and redeem your points in thousands of ways; and more time, because you become our top priority.


How can I make sure I get the best rate?

With Meliá, you will always have the best rate guaranteed. So, if you find an offer with the same conditions at a lower rate (dates, room type, etc.) somewhere else, we will match the offer and give you the best rate. You just need to contact Customer Service, and we will be happy to arrange it for you.


How much does it cost to stay at INNSiDE Yogyakarta?

Rates at INNSiDE Yogyakarta can vary depending on the type of stay. The selected dates, room type, or other conditions will determine the final rate. Choose the dates that best suit you, and we will show you the available rates and prices for this hotel.

Discover our brands

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential