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Villa Marquis Meliá Collection, Paris, 法国


进入卢浮宫酒窖 (Les Caves du Louvre),体验双重之旅,探索这座私人宅邸的迷人历史、隐藏秘密和丰富遗产,由被称为巴黎“大资产阶级”的 André Eynaud 提供。您将在酒窖中品尝精选的法国美酒和奶酪,最后,您还可以在品酒师的帮助下,进行个性化的酿酒体验,调配属于您自己的独特混合酒。

a row of wine bottles on a wooden shelf
a room with a long bench and a bar
a table with food and wine glasses on it
a person pouring liquid into a beaker
a long table with sinks and chairs in a room with arched ceiling

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