
Voir galerie


时尚、和历史的交融:探索最新潮流这只有在 ME Barcelona 才能体验到。参观令人愉悦的葡萄酒庄,游览地下画廊。在“秘密”鸡尾酒吧品尝独特的鸡尾酒。探索 Anthony Sánchez 工作室。在“Pastisseria Escribà ”享用点心。在 Norman Vilalta 男士鞋店欣赏皮靴和皮鞋。在巴塞罗那的中心地带体验灵感。

a city with a spire and trees
a table with a lamp on it
a large building with many spires with Sagrada Família in the background
a beach with umbrellas and people on it

Par essence

a group of white balls
two women standing in a pool holding drinks
two women posing for a picture
a close up of a red surface
a man sitting at a table
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Découvrez nos marques

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential