
Hotels in 富埃特文图拉岛



虽然岛上的宁静沙滩与水上运动深受游客的喜爱,但市区的风土人情同样让人流连忘返。游览贝坦库里亚古城或风景如画的 El Cotillo 村都是不错的度假方式。您还可在 Isla de los Lobos 国家公园体验水肺潜水,享用美味可口的鲜鱼料理,或是到科拉莱霍国家公园徒步旅行。后者拥有大片的沙漠,又被人们称为富埃特文图拉沙洲。随后,来到 Aguas Verdes 天然泳池,尽情畅游一番。岛上的摩罗维罗萨眺望台是欣赏夕阳美景的最佳地点,就让它为您的一日行程画上圆满的句号吧!

Our hotels in 富埃特文图拉岛

a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas in front of a building
a patio with chairs and tables on a beach
a walkway leading to a building with palm trees
a room with a large window and a table with chairs and a table
a pool with a deck chair and umbrella
  • 室外游泳池
  • 紧邻海滩
  • 风帆冲浪学校
a beach with a hill and trees
a large room with a large fountain
a room with a bed and a table and chairs
a pool with palm trees and a beach
a restaurant with tables and chairs
  • 风帆冲浪学校
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 室外游泳池
a pool with umbrellas and chairs in a resort
a white canopy with white curtains and a tray of towels on it
a walkway between palm trees
a room with tables and chairs
a pool and tables with umbrellas and umbrellas
  • 室外游泳池
  • 自助餐厅
  • 儿童游乐区
a road going through a desert landscape
a mountain with a road and trees
a couple of people walking on a sandy beach
a group of people flying kites in the sky
a building with wooden balconies
全年气候温和是这座海岛的一大优势。四季气温变化不大,平均为 20⁰C。

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  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential