
伊比沙岛 的酒店



岛上的风光、沙滩和海岸让人倍感惬意,也难怪它会成为上世纪中期嬉皮士运动的发源地。这里拥有许多风景卓绝的海滩,如 Talamanca、Ses Salines、Cala Salada 和 Sant Vicenç 等。Es Vedrà 是一座壮丽的石灰岩小岛,乘船环游此地不失为一次美妙的体验。Dalt Vila 古城建在山丘之上,周围竖立着围墙,因其独特唯美的风貌被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。此外,您还可去 Las Dalias 或海岛集市购物,或是前往圣安东尼的德波特曼尼镇,伴着舒缓的音乐欣赏夕阳美景。


a pool with umbrellas and chairs and a building with a body of water
yoga mats on a deck near a body of water
a pool with a deck and a deck overlooking the ocean
a outdoor restaurant with tables and chairs on a deck overlooking the ocean
a room with a couch and chairs
  • 水疗
  • 健康中心
  • 桑拿
a pool with umbrellas and chairs and trees
a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas on a deck
a pool with water jets and umbrellas
a swimming pool and a white building
a living room with a table and chairs and a table with chairs and a table with a view of the ocean
  • 全天候开放的健身房
  • 紧邻海滩
  • 精品店
a room with a view of the ocean from a window
a white boat in the water
a pool with a body of water and a city in the background
a white couches and tables with a view of the water and mountains in the background
  • Direct beach access
  • 全天候开放的健身房
  • 室外游泳池
a beach with clear water and blue sky
a group of colorful scarves and shawls from a wall
a group of posters on a wall
a group of buildings with red roofs
a street with tables and chairs and umbrellas
palm trees against a pink background
a rock formation in the water
这里为温暖的地中海气候。全年气温在 8⁰C 至 30⁰C 之间。夏季炎热湿润。


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential