Cozinha internacional
Coquetéis de autor
Todos os tipos
Traje recomendado
a room with chairs and tables and a view of a city
a room with a large window and a couch
a couch and table with a view of a city
a couch with drinks on a table
a bar with a row of chairs and a counter
a room with a view of a city and a river
a room with chairs and tables and a view of a city
a room with chairs and tables and a view of a city
a room with wicker furniture and a table
a room with a couch and chairs and a table
people sitting at tables in a restaurant
a table with food and wine glasses on it
a table with food and wine glasses in front of a window
Ver galeria

Serviços e instalações

  • Acessibilidade para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida
  • Terraço
  • Bar de coquetéis
  • Skybar
  • Shows de DJ

Na Meliá, organizamos os seus eventos