supermercado arado & restaurante

Cozinha espanhola

Os sabores da nossa terra

MIME todos os seus sentidos com uma experiência que combina cozinha tradicional com inovação do século XXI. No coração da zona de Salamanca, descubra um restaurante concebido para os amantes da excelente cozinha. Cozinha vanguardista repleta de sabores autênticos, reinterpretados utilizando produtos locais frescos e de qualidade superior.

Bebidas variadas
Todos os tipos
Traje recomendado

Proposta gastronómicas

a plate of food on a table
a table with food on it
a table with plates and glasses on it
a group of desserts on plates
1 / 4
a table with plates and glasses on it
a table with plates and glasses on it
a table with plates and glasses on it
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a room with a couch and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a group of bowls of soup and beans
a plate of food on a table
food on a plate
a piece of chocolate cake on a plate
a group of desserts on plates
a room with tables and chairs
a room with a couch and chairs
a room with a table and chairs and plants
a table with chairs and a plant on it
a table with a plant on it
a table with plates and glasses on it
a table with plates and chairs in a room with plants
a table with plates and glasses on it
a plate of food on a table
a bowl of salad on a table
a bowl of salad and a drink on a table
a plate of dessert on a table
a table with food on it
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a table with food on it
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Serviços e instalações

  • Wi-Fi