57 restaurant

Cucina internazionale

Un’esperienza per tutti i sensi

Audaci e affascinanti, resterete stupiti dall’incredibile originalità e i gusti moderni offerti da Johann Schwarz. Assaggiate deliziosi piatti stagionali tra le nuvole, un’esperienza unica accompagnata da una delle migliori vedute panoramiche della città della musica.

Fascia alta
Selezione di vini
Tutti i tipi
Codice di abbigliamento

Proposta gastronomica

a table with food and wine glasses on it
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a table with chairs and glasses on it
1 / 3
a bar with a row of chairs and a counter
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a table with chairs and glasses on it
a table with chairs and glasses on it
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city and water
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a table set for a dinner
a table with wine glasses and plates in a restaurant
a table with wine glasses and a view of a city
a table with plates of food and wine glasses on it
a table with plates of food and glasses of wine
a plate of food with sauce
a group of plates of food
a bowl of food with flowers and leaves
food on a plate
a plate of food with fruit on top
Vedere galleria fotografica

Servizi e strutture

  • Ristorante di design
  • Cocktail bar
  • Sala privata
  • Parcheggio nelle vicinanze
  • Rooftop

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