57 restaurant

Cozinha internacional

Uma experiência para todos os sentidos

Arrojado e fascinante, você ficará surpreso com a incrível originalidade e sabores modernos oferecidos por Johann Schwarz. Saboreie deliciosos pratos sazonais entre as nuvens e uma experiência única acompanhada por uma das melhores vistas panorâmicas da cidade da música.

Seleção de vinhos
Todos os tipos
Traje recomendado

Proposta gastronómicas

a table with food and wine glasses on it
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a table with chairs and glasses on it
1 / 3
a bar with a row of chairs and a counter
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a table with chairs and glasses on it
a table with chairs and glasses on it
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city
a room with tables and chairs and a view of a city and water
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a table set for a dinner
a table with wine glasses and plates in a restaurant
a table with wine glasses and a view of a city
a table with plates of food and wine glasses on it
a table with plates of food and glasses of wine
a plate of food with sauce
a group of plates of food
a bowl of food with flowers and leaves
food on a plate
a plate of food with fruit on top
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Serviços e instalações

  • Restaurante de autor
  • Bar de coquetéis
  • Sala de refeições privativa
  • Estacionamento nas proximidades
  • Terraço

Na Meliá, organizamos os seus eventos